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  Ch Cove Creek's Hot Little Number

Ch Chelsea Chalcedony x  Ch Cove Creek's Oh Be Joyful

 Whelped: 07/08/09

Corrie, our stunning beauty reflects all of her mother's fine qualities of movement, dramatic underline and beautiful head. 

In only a few weekends out, Corrie quickly finished her championship at 12 months old.  Corrie was never specialed, instead she had a gorgeous litter.  Now her puppies are just starting out in the ring.

Shown winning in Boise, Idaho.



Shown winning a major at the Electric City KC show in Great Falls, Montana.


Shown winning from the puppy class at the Kings KC show in Northern California.


Shown winning again from the puppy class at the prestigious Silver Bay KC show in Del Mar, CA.


Corrie at her puppy debut winning BOW in Ventura, California.


Sweet baby girl!